October 10, 2013
Greenbelt Fund Getting More Local Food into Public Institutions
Public institutions are getting ready to step up to the plate with the 2014 Local Food Challenge. With support from the Ontario government, the Greenbelt Fund created the challenge to inspire systemic change in hospitals, schools, universities, long-term care facilities, and more to increase local food offerings. The challenge will fund impactful projects that put more local food onto plates.
“We look forward to big ideas from local food leaders, who will help change what we eat,” said Burkhard Mausberg, CEO of the Greenbelt Fund. “This challenge isn't about grabbing the low-hanging fruit, it’s about reaching for more Ontario fruit.”
Open to all public institutions, interested organizations should complete their applications no later than November 15, 2013.
Projects from the 2013 Challenge:
1. The University of Toronto created a pledge program for students to take their own Local Food Challenge. They also created local menus for their student cafeterias.
2. Riverside Health Care Facilities in Fort Frances has been working with their local meat processor to develop local products suitable for the particular diets of the seniors in their residences, resulting in a five-fold increase in their local food purchases.
3. St. Michael’s Hospital has developed and tested recipes that include local meats. They have also incorporated eight local produce options on their regular menus.
Application forms can be found by clicking here.
Kelly Hughes
Education and Outreach Specialist
Greenbelt Fund
Phone: (519) 760-1439
Jennifer Asselin
Communications Manager
Greenbelt Fund
Phone: (416) 960-0001, ext. 306