There was some interest in the recipe for these, but they were somewhat experimental and I'm not sure this is really a finished recipe. They worked out quite edibly - in fact they were good! - but I do feel I will need to fiddle with the recipe some more. Hmm, that won't be painful, except to my waistline. Try to keep the cherries fairly dry. Excess juice will cause parts not to cook through. 48 squares 1 hour - 30 minutes prep time Make the Caramel: 2 cups dark brown sugar OR 1 cup Sucanat and 1 cup white sugar 1/2 cup butter
Place these ingredients in a fairly large, heavy bottomed pot. Bring them to a boil and boil steadily for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let cool somewhat. Mix the Dry Ingredients: 2 cups soft unbleached flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Mix and set aside. Finish the Blondies: 2 extra-large eggs 3 tablespoons brown rice syrup. 2 cups pitted cherries Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line the bottom of a 9" x 13" with parchment paper. Beat the eggs and brown rice syrup into the slightly cooled caramel. Mix in the flour. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and smooth it out. Sprinkle the dryish cherries evenly over the batter. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until firm and golden brown around the edges. Let cool before cutting into squares to serve.
Last year at this time I made Puréed Peas.
- Jennifer Sanders, Seasonal Ontario Food blogger
For more inspiring, local recipes visit Jennifer Sanders' Blog, Seasonal Ontario Food.