From Food Waste to Great Taste—how Casa Bonita Foods is tapping into innovative opportunities to grow their business
It’s no secret that food waste is a growing area of focus at all levels of the food value chain. Factors such as economic and human behaviour, transport, lack of resources, and technological limitations all contribute to the many ways we waste food that could otherwise be utilized in effective, innovative and profitable ways.
Read morePresentations and Resources from Facilitating Connections Along the Food Value Chain Workshop
On Jan 10, we hosted a workshop that connected buyers and sellers through the local food value chain. Furthermore, presentations were given in a number of areas to educate buyers and sellers on the purchasing and selling of local food. Here are the slides of all the presentations given.
Read moreGuide to Food and Beverage Manufacturing in Ontario 2015
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs created a comprehensive guide for people looking to enter the food and beverage manufacturing industry.
The guide contains step-by-step guide covering the basics of starting a food manufacturing business, product development, manufacturing, marketing, food safety, price-setting, and other pertinent information.
Read Guide To Food and Beverage Manufacturing In Ontario 2015
Local Foods to Health Care Facilities Final Report – The Corporation of Norfolk County
This report outlines the Corporation of Norfolk County’s experience with putting a system in place to increase the amount of Ontario food served in the Broader Public Sector.
Norfolk County highlights four phases of the project: product of origin assessment; increased local foods; equipment; and communications, procedures, and policies.
Ontario’s Broader Public Sector (BPS): New Opportunities for the Province’s Food and Beverage Processors
This discussion paper was developed by Food and Beverage Ontario and outlines common procurement processes in the BPS and provides guidance on specific business opportunities for the province’s food and beverage processors while acknowledging the unique challenges and needs of the BPS.
Read Ontario’s Broader Public Sector New Opportunities For Ontario’s Food and Beverage Processors
The Role of Co-operatives in Local Food Systems Development – United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development
The Role of Co-operatives in Local Food Systems Development – United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development
Read moreOntario Food Preserves Project – George Brown College, Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts
Ontario Food Preserves Project – George Brown College, Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts
Read moreAccessing the Broader Public Sector Marketplace: Local Food Hub Business Plan and Implementation Strategy
The Erie Innovation Centre worked collaboratively with the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association to provide a business plan for accessing Broader Public Sector institutions.
The business plan includes: a market assessment; challenges; and how to determine the best option for a regionally based local food distribution system.
QR Codes: A New Frontier of Product Labeling
It has been said that in food retailing 50 per cent of the time that a product is taken off the shelf, the shopper will buy it. This means that on-product labels are a very important component of success. But how do you make a label pretty enough to attract a shopper, considering how much information must be included, from product details to corporate information?
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