2018 | Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario
New Market Opportunities for Ecological Farmers in Ontario, Guelph $14,000
Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario will increase small to mid-scale ecological farmers in Ontario’s access to new market channels through increased knowledge of supply chain requirements, value added opportunities, and best practices for producing new in-demand products. They will provide over 60 hours of training through 12 workshops and 8 farm tours, to over 360 farmers and local food system stakeholders.
2018 | University of Toronto Scarborough
UTSC Campus Farm, Scarborough $10,000
University of Toronto Scarborough Campus will operationalize a campus farm and outdoor permaculture space to increase student knowledge of urban agriculture and local food production. The farm will be a permanent permaculture space and central feature of the campus agriculture strategy.
2018 | St. Luke's Anglican Church
Incubator Kitchen and Improved Local Food Access at St. Luke’s Burlington $10,000
St. Luke’s Anglican Church will convert its commercial kitchen into an incubator kitchen, with outreach programming specifically targeting New Canadian entrepreneurs, and partner with Feed Halton to trial a pop-up market that provides fresh local produce at low-cost.
2017 | Grape Growers of Ontario
We Grow the Wines You Love, St. Catharines $20,000
Grape Growers of Ontario will partner with Metro and Food Basics grocery stores to promote the availability of VQA wines at 10 retail locations. The promotion will distinguish VQA wines as 100% Ontario grape wines, profile local grape growers and directly engage with shoppers.
2017 | West Niagara Agricultural Society
Niagara 4-H Local Food Booth, Niagara $14,463
West Niagara Agricultural Society will partner with Niagara 4-H to purchase a road-worthy trailer for the volunteers of the 4-H club to bring to food and agricultural events throughout the region. The trailer will allow the 4-H to introduce their local food products to urban and near-urban students who might not otherwise be exposed to local food offerings.
2017 | Cauldron Kitchen Inc.
Local Food Entrepreneurship Program, Ottawa $5,000
Cauldron Kitchen will launch a Local Food Entrepreneurship Program for 4-8 participants to build the skills to create a viable local food business. Participants will have access to business development classes, mentoring and commercial kitchen use.
2017 | Victorian Order of Nurses – Windsor Essex
The Victorian Order of Nurses along with local Ontario Student Nutrition Program partners delivers school breakfast and snack programs that feed over 100,000 students every year. This project will develop local food literacy awareness materials for students and parents, to accompany increased local food served through these programs.
2017 | Farms at Work – Tides Canada Initiatives
Expanding Impact and Sustainability of Local Food Month in Peterborough, Peterborough $15,000
Farms at Work will expand the impact and improve the sustainability of Peterborough Local Food Month, by working in partnership with Transition Town Peterborough to facilitate local food-related workshops, events and tours throughout September and culminating in the Purple Onion Festival.
2017 | National Farmers Union - Ontario
Building a Network of Local Food Advocates, Guelph $41,675
The National Farmers Union – Ontario will enhance local food literacy across the province by building a network of local food advocates across a number of sectors, including educators, healthcare providers, faith communities, artists, academics, outdoors professionals, and youth. The NFU will create tailored local food information material for the different advocates and create a directory of local food advocates.
2017 | Munye Kitchens
Increasing Local Food Literacy – Multi-Ethnic African Communities & Beyond, Toronto $46,495
Munye Kitchens will create a local food guide for multi-ethnic African communities to increase awareness of locally-grown foods relevant to the African communities and identify where Ontario-grown produce can be purchased. The project will also educate consumers on how to use African crops like okra and callaloo, grown in Ontario and the Greenbelt.