2016 | Ontario Tender Fruit Growers
Increasing Food Literacy for Ontario Tender Fruit $120,000
Ontario Tender Fruit Growers will work with major retailers to increase awareness of Ontario tender fruit with colourful in-store display bins, merchandising kits, in-store sampling, and tender fruit recipes. While consumers think mainly of peaches when thinking of Ontario tender fruit, the awareness campaign will promote other locally-grown fruits available like tart cherries, nectarines, yellow and blue plums, coronation table grapes, pears, and apricots.
2016 | Fresh City Farms, Inc
Local Food Processing and Packaging Facility, Toronto $100,000
Fresh City Farms will invest in increasing its capacity to process and package local vegetables, fruit, grains and other food to create value-added products. The project is expected to increase sales by 500% from $2.5 million to $14.5 million annually by 2020 and create 45 new urban agricultural jobs.
2016 | Sustain Ontario
Bring Food Home, Toronto $5,000
Sustain Ontario will organize a cross sectoral event to address local food production, distribution and marketing, local food economies, and other pertinent topics related to strengthening the local food movement in Ontario. The event will include local farm tours, panel discussions, farmer training, action planning and networking.