Presentations and Resources from Facilitating Connections Along the Food Value Chain Workshop

On Jan 10, we hosted a workshop that connected buyers and sellers through the local food value chain. Furthermore, presentations were given in a number of areas to educate buyers and sellers on the purchasing and selling of local food. Here are the slides of all the presentations given.

Keynote Presentation

Joshna Maharaj: Local Foods and Healthcare Institutions

Paul Spence (CK Table): Can Local Foods be the Solution for Rural Economic Health?

Seller-Focused Presentations

Andrew Reimer (Ontario Student Nutrition Services): Local Food Purchasing in Student Nutrition Programs

Mark Kenny (University of Guelph): University Foodservice Procurement

Steve Crawford (Gordon Food Service, Local & Dairy Division): Gordon Food Service's Vendor Involvement Process & Ontario Ingredients for Success Campaign

Grace Mandarano (100km Foods): Leveraging Local Distribution

Wendy Smith (St. Joseph's Healthcare Group Purchasing Organization): Overview of Healthcare GPO's Bidding Process

Buyer-Focused Presentations

John Baker (Beef Farmers of Ontario): New Marketing Strategy to Add Value to Ontario Beef

Dr. Lisa Duizer (Research Institute for Aging, Agri-Food for Healthy Eating): Optimizing Nutrition & 'Super Meals' in Long-term Care Facilities (her 6 recipes can be found here)

Shelley Spruit (Against the Grain Farms): Exploring the Added-Health Benefits of Heritage Grains

Jarrod Goldin (Entomo Farms): Future of Food - High Protein Cricket Products & Sustainable Food Production
